My Courses

Welcome to the Ancient Secrets Academy



Discover Healthy Living Through Ancient Secrets

Every journey ultimately starts with a single question: “What do I want?” We often are not conscious of this and other questions within us, but that doesn’t change the fact they guide and direct our lives everyday. To get a better life, ask better questions!

Instead of asking, “Why am I always tired?” you should be asking “What could I learn to do differently to get an abundance of energy?” 

We help you not only learn to ask the right questions, but also provide answers and training to create massive positive changes in your life and be able to answer these and other questions on your own!

Upcoming Guided Courses

Ancient Secrets 7-Day Delicious Detox - Guided

The Ancient Secrets 7-Day Delicious Detox is a weeklong cleansing process for your body. It will give your body a respite from all the foods that may be harmful to you.

Doing a 7-day detox will not only boost your immunity and remove toxins from your body, but it can also be a first step to long-lasting freedom from illnesses.
Starts March 3, 2025

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Ancient Secrets 30-Day Delicious Detox - Guided

Embark on a transformative 30-Day cleanse designed to give your body a much-needed break from potentially harmful foods. This powerful detox process helps eliminate toxins and strengthens your immune system and serves as a vital first step toward achieving lasting freedom from illness. Rejuvenate your body, refresh your mind, and take a meaningful step toward vibrant health!
Starts March 21, 2025

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NEW Self-Guided Courses

100-Day Ancient Secrets Experience - Self-Guided 

The 100-Day Ancient Secrets Training will not only help you understand why you are experiencing certain health challenges, but what is even more important, you will learn many tools and techniques (lifestyle changes, home remedies, herbal remedies, Marmaas. etc.) to improve or even over-come these health challenges. 

Start: Anytime

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Ancient Secrets 101 

Based on the Ancient Principles taught by Dr. Pankaj Naram, this course includes practical applications of these principles in your own life, such as Marmaas, Home Remedies, and many more, to transform your health and wellbeing. A notable Increase in self-love, self-care, and understanding of how the body works is just another benefit of taking this course.  

Start Anytime

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7-Day Delicious Detox -

The Ancient Secrets 7-Day Delicious Detox is a weeklong cleansing process for your body. It will give your body a respite from all the foods that may be harmful to you.
Doing a 7-day detox will not only boost your immunity and remove toxins from your body, but it can also be a first step to long-lasting freedom from illnesses.

Start Anytime

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You Can Still get Access to these Courses

Ancient Secrets 
Emergency Preparedness

Recent tragedies have impacted so many in the world, and they could impact you! The greatest challenges with all these emergency events is their impact on our mental and emotional system.

The ancient secrets you will discover in this course are amazing tools that will help you to cope with any mental and emotional stress.

Join the Ancient Secrets for Emergencies course, where you can discover and learn practical home remedies and ancient secrets that could one day save your life - or the life of someone you love?

Pay What You Want

Curso de Secretos Ancestrales para Emergencias

Tendremos una llamada Zoom grupal principal por mes, desde octubre de 2024 hasta enero de 2025 (un total de 4 llamadas, estimadas en 2 horas cada una).

También habrá llamadas adicionales especiales entre cada una de las sesiones principales en las que profundizaremos aún más en algunos de los temas, y otros temas valiosos compartidos por expertos en sus áreas (por ejemplo, aprender qué plantas y malezas de tu propio patio y vecindario pueden ser medicina y/o alimento, etc.).

Paga lo que Quieras

How to fix anything in your home and in your life

The course How to Fix Things in Your Home and in Your Life is based on Larry Weingarten's book, The Philosopher's Wrench. According to Amazon's book website, "...the book brilliantly takes a philosophical approach to fixing things: from home water heaters to personal relationships."

Larry teaches you a way to look at new perspectives on solving problems so that when anything comes up you have more confidence in solving any challenges you face, either in your home or on a personal level. 

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Online Book Club

Over 5 session, in this exploratory Online Book Club Course with Dr. Clint G. Rogers, the author of the book Ancient Secrets of a Master Healer, and Ronney Aden, founder of Evolving Health Education, we go deeper into the teachings of love, the messages of healing, and personal transformations brought forth in this spectacular book. 

Experience incredible healing stories shared by guests who have implemented these Ancient Secrets in their lives and the lives of those they love - all while you are reading the book. 

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Book a Video Consultation

Click below to book a video consultation with a “Vaidya”/Ayurvedic doctor, who can help customize the Ancient Secrets for You 

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